I quite like my hair. Especially now that it's going grey.
I wish I had 'better' eyebrows and eyelashes (both are fine, sparse and blonde) but I guess none of us is perfect!
My younger daughter is blonde.
This is her now ...
Of course my other daughter, a natural brunette, is currently blonde.
Of course.
One of these photographers was trying out a new hair colour (very cool.)
The other has a cute hat.
Hair! I had a TERRIBLE perm in the 1980s (yes, way back then). Poodlish, as I'm sure anyone who has seen me can conjure in their mind's eye. But never a desire for a different color.
Umm. I did the same in 1987, I think. It was really bad!
I've been all shades from dark blonde to auburn, but am au naturel at present.
i hope they did allergy tests
hope you are well honey.
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